Friday, June 22, 2012

The raspberry season has begun - picked 2 baskets yesterday - so the season is starting about 10 days earlier than last year.  There are lots of berries on the vines so hopefully it will be another bumper crop.
It is raining today following two summery days in the high 70s to about 80 degrees.  It seems we can't get more than one or two days of nice weather before it is cool and damp again.
The birds are going through suet at about a cake a day.  The Flickers must have babies since Mom and Dad show up quite often during the day. The Downy Woodpecker is a regular too and this year there is a Nuthatch which I have only seen in the winters here before. The Black Capped Chickadees nested in one of the birdhouses and are busy feeding babies too. But the poor birds are all wet and drippy today. The Anna's and Rufous Hummingbirds have lots to feast on besides the feeders with the cape fuschia and hot lips salvia plus honeysuckle blooming. The bright yelllow male American Goldfinches are stunning on the finch feeder right now.
The rain can stop anytime now...

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